We have come to the fourth Sunday in Lent, and today we are reading the rest of Mark chapter 9. Jesus is serious about the work he has come to do: to bring God's kingdom to earth. And so he has some stern words for his friends, to help them focus on what is important and turn their backs on anything that will lead them away from him.
Mark 9:38-50
I wonder why John was so upset that someone else who was not a disciple was driving out demons in Jesus's name? I wonder why he couldn't be happy that people were being rescued from evil powers, and why he told him to stop?
Jesus tells John not to stop him, because the man is doing the work of God's kingdom. This unknown person is fighting against evil powers in Jesus's name. I wonder if Christians today sometimes worry more about who is one of us, instead of celebrating everyone who is doing the work of God's kingdom?
Jesus has strong, hard words for anyone who leads people who are weak or small into sin, or who hurts them. Can I hear in his voice how much he wants to love and protect people who are little, people who are weak, people who aren't important?
Gehenna was a valley outside of Jerusalem. It was the place where people threw trash, dead animals, and even dead bodies sometimes. Fires were always burning there so that the bodies and the trash would not rot in the sun. I wonder why Jesus says that the place where sin will lead us is like Gehenna?
Jesus speaks these hard words right after his disciples had an argument about who was the most important. He knows that he is on the road to Jerusalem, where he will confront people who are against him, and he will be killed. I wonder why it is so important for his disciples to decide now to follow him at all costs, and to put away anything that would make them stumble on the way?
Are there any words, or pictures, or moments in this story I want to ask God about right now?
Are there any words, or pictures, or moments in this story I want to take with me into the rest of my day?
๐๐พ PRAY:
Jesus of Nazareth, son of God: thank you that we have a book filled with your words and deeds. Give us the wisdom and understanding that comes from your Holy Spirit, so that we can know you better and follow you all the days of our lives. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
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sarah@wewonderpod.com Thanks so much for listening, and I'll see you tomorrow!