Bat Minute '89 - Minute 45: Things Get Steamy (with Bryarly Bishop)
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Bat Minute
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TV & Film
Publication Date |
Oct 13, 2017
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STEAM, STEAM, STEAM! It's everywhere!  All over the city! INESCAPABLE!

Meanwhile, Vicki goes full crazy and is in hot pursuit of her man. She could probably have done with choosing some rather less conspicuous attire though...

Deep in the city, a shade-clad Bruce drops some flowers off at a mysterious, seemingly random, location. Or is it random?

The only way to find out is to tune in for more action, excitement and fun - right here on Bat Minute '89!

Joining the investigation today is the multi-talented singer, songwriter and voice actor Bryarly Bishop! With Bryarly on the scene no mystery will be unsolved and no steam will go unnoticed. Make sure to check out her music or get in touch if you'd like to work with her for some stellar voice-overs! Or to stalk Bat-men, of course.

The next episode follows on Monday.

Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!

Bryarly Bishop - Photo by Kevin Connery

Bryarly Bishop (Photo by Kevin Connery) - Website - YouTube

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