Zack, Jenn, and Alex put the upcoming American elections in global context. They explain why long polling lines and gerrymandered districts are very much not the norm among advanced democracies and how other countries avoid them. Then they dissect the latest news about Russian, Iranian, and other foreign interference in the 2020 election — and debate whether it even matters anymore.
Here’s Alex’s piece for Vox on how other countries do elections better.
And Jen Kirby wrote for Vox on what US intelligence leaders said yesterday about Russia’s and Iran’s interference efforts.
BBC News explains why it can be hard to vote in America.
NBC News reported on how China is adopting interference techniques the Russians have been using.
In August, a top US intelligence official said China, Russia, and Iran were interfering in the 2020 election for differing reasons.
CyberScoop reported that North Korea, Cuba, and Saudi Arabia also aim to sway the vote.
The US Justice Department charged Russians with interfering in the elections this week.
Zack Beauchamp (@zackbeauchamp), senior correspondent, Vox
Jennifer Williams (@jenn_ruth), senior foreign editor, Vox
Alex Ward (@AlexWardVox), national security reporter, Vox
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