Peter Grinspoon, MD is a primary care physician at Massachusetts General Hospital and an Instructor at Harvard Medical School. He’s a board member of the advocacy group Doctors For Cannabis Regulation and the author of the memoir Free Refills: A Doctor Confronts His Addiction. You may have even smoked a strain called Dr Grinspoon. That’s the namesake of Peter’s father Lester Grinspoon- grandfather of cannabis- who you can read about in the first issue of Different Leaf magazine on page 41.In this episode, Peter and Brit talk about how this weird new world of the coronovarius pandemic is affecting prisoners of the war on drugs, people living with and in recovery from addiction, and folks who, for whatever reason, wish they could get their hands on some well-regulated bud right now (but can’t because the rec shops are closed). To subscribe to Different Leaf Magazine or find out where you can pick up a copy, go to Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @differentleaf and on Twitter @different_leaf. Follow Brit Smith on Twitter and Instagram @britthebritish. Dr. Peter Grinspoon is on Twitter @Peter_Grinspoon, and you can learn more about him at