Hillel Neuer is so often the lone voice talking truth to power at a United Nations seemingly on interminable mission creep. Western countries are loosening their resolve in countering dictatorships.
And worse still, power groups inside the UN Human Rights Council are trying to silence him.
Hillel is Executive Director of UN Watch, the human rights NGO based at the UN in Geneva.
Since 2009, he’s headed the annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy, a renowned international gathering which provides a platform to courageous pro-democracy dissidents who put their lives on the line to demand fundamental freedoms in oppressive regimes.
I was invited to host and interview Farida Khalaf, the Yazidi girl who escaped Isis.
As America's vaccum is filled by China at the UN, Hillel says the repurposing of the United States' goals must start back home.
What hindrance is the UN to Israel, which so often gets a rum deal in Geneva?
And what future does the free world have? Is Hillel optimistic or pessimistic from his Geneva vantage point?
And who’s his favourite pop star? 🇯🇲
All human life is here. Have a listen and enjoy Hillel Neuer!
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