This week, they’re busting us for possession…see what we did there? We recap the latest episode of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, discussing the sad death of a favorite, inter-dimensional being hangovers, how soon we forget fear dimensions, and homages to the works of John Carpenter. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we pore over the onslaught of Comic-Con information with a particular focus on the details of the upcoming Phase Four of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe, including what we’re most looking forward to. And we answer a quick reader question on the Letters Page. In honor of Arrow’s final season, don’t forget to get yourself a Lian Yu t-shirt. To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
This week, they’re busting us for possession…see what we did there? We recap the latest episode of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, discussing the sad death of a favorite, inter-dimensional being hangovers, how soon we forget fear dimensions, and homages to the works of John Carpenter. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we pore over the onslaught of Comic-Con information with a particular focus on the details of the upcoming Phase Four of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe, including what we’re most looking forward to. And we answer a quick reader question on the Letters Page. In honor of Arrow’s final season, don’t...