#85 Star Wars – Whats Next + Solo Review
Podcast |
SuperNerds UK
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TV & Film
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TV & Film
Publication Date |
Jul 06, 2018
Episode Duration |
Tim and Ben take a look at the state of the Star Wars franchise. On top of that we review Solo, the first flop in the Star Wars series.
This week's episode has Simon, Tim and Ben take a look at the state of the Star Wars franchise. Between creative conflict and toxic fandom, its a tough time in the Galaxy far, far away. On top of that we belatedly review Solo, the first flop in the Star Wars series. Grab your official SuperNerds UK swag from the Orbital Jigsaw Merch Store! Blubrry Promotion: www.orbitaljigsaw.com/snuk Facebook: /SuperNerdsUK Twitter: @SuperNerds_UK Instagram: @SuperNerdsUK

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