#82 Deadpool 2 Review
Podcast |
SuperNerds UK
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TV & Film
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TV & Film
Publication Date |
Jun 01, 2018
Episode Duration |
Deadpool 2 Review & what's next for the X-Men franchise?
On our brand new episode we review Deadpool 2 going full spoiler! We also take a look at what's next for the X-Men franchise? Is it dead in the water or will the Fox/Disney deal give the mutants their due! Grab your official SuperNerds UK swag from the Orbital Jigsaw Merch Store! Blubrry Promotion: www.orbitaljigsaw.com/snuk Facebook: /SuperNerdsUK Twitter: @SuperNerds_UK Instagram: @SuperNerdsUK Website: www.supernerdsuk.com

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