#79 Alec Gillis ADI Creature FX Interview
Podcast |
SuperNerds UK
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TV & Film
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TV & Film
Publication Date |
Apr 20, 2018
Episode Duration |
On this episode we have an extensive interview with Alec Gillis, a true legend in the field of practical effects. Alec and his studio ADI are responsible for creatures from Tremors, to Pennywise all the way to the forthcoming The Predator! Also on this week's show we stick to our ctheme, with our Netpix being The 6th Day and we go In Defence Of 2011's prequel to The Thing! Grab your official SuperNerds UK swag from the Orbital Jigsaw Merch Store! Blubrry Promotion: www.orbitaljigsaw.com/snuk Facebook: /SuperNerdsUK Twitter: @SuperNerds_UK Instagram: @SuperNerdsUK Website: www.supernerds.uk ADI's YouTube Links: https://www.youtube.com/user/studioADI https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD4ZEYIBnHIC2DUhiizMOHg

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