Today's Guest: Robert K. Elder, author, It Was Love When; It Was Over When Order 'It Was Love When' by Robert K. Elder, available from by clicking on the book cover above! Order 'It Was Over When' by Robert K. Elder, available from by clicking on the book cover above! It’s almost Valentine’s Day and have I got the perfect interview! Rob Elder is the founder of a pair of websites that capture both the joy and angst of modern romance. First, the joy: is dedicated to cataloging the exact moment when you realize that you are in love with someone. ROB ELDER podcast excerpt: "Not all of them are 'family friendly.' Here's one that is, from a woman: 'I asked him what his favorite sexual fantasy was. He said, "Two redheads." I'm a brunette. The aftermath? He left me two months later for a blonde.'" And then, inevitably, there’s the angst: Elder’s second site, , is dedicated to cataloging the exact moment when you realize a relationship isn’t going to work. This could be years into a romance, on the first date or even before the first date. These stories can be funny, poignant, abysmally sad and universal. Bastard that I am, I’m much more entertained by the latter, of course. (UPDATE: Since this interviewed aired in 2010, Elder has collected the best stories from his website in book form, as seen above.) Robert K. Elder • • •