The success in any change initiative is tied to how well employees are able to learn and adapt. But how can leaders encourage a learning mindset out of these pursuits? In this edition of my Leadership Espresso Shot series, I share three simple measures leaders can employ to promote a continuous learning mindset within their workforce.
As I mentioned in this episode of my leadership podcast, the idea behind this episode was inspired by conversations I had with attendees after some of the virtual leadership keynotes I’ve given over the past few months to audiences across Europe and North America. Although these leaders had managed to help their employees adapt and pivot to various external challenges of the past 12 months, the concern was how to not only sustain this agile mindset, but build on their hard-won successes.
In one of my talks I do share insights on how leaders can promote a continuous learning environment in their organization. And so, I wanted to explore one of the ideas I share in this keynote, specifically 3 simple measures any leader can take that will help to encourage a continuous learning mindset within their team and organization.
As a reminder, these Leadership Espresso Shot episodes are designed to be these short, ‘bite-sized’ episodes which offer an insightful dose of leadership insight or inspiration to improve the way you lead.
We’re now heading into our third year of producing these episodes and it’s been gratifying to see how in the last two years, some of these episodes not only end up making it into the top most listened episodes of my podcast in 2019 and 2020, but how it’s also been a favourite for many people who’ve attended some of my leadership keynotes over the past 12 months.
So I hope you’ll check this out and as I point out at the end of the episode, if you’d like to contact me about speaking about this topic, fill out the contact form on my website and let’s talk.