#75 SuperNerds on Elm Street – Live At Birmingham Horror Con
Podcast |
SuperNerds UK
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TV & Film
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TV & Film
Publication Date |
Mar 02, 2018
Episode Duration |
This past week Ben sat down with Ricky Dean Logan and Danny Hassel from the Nightmare on Elm Street movies onstage at Birmingham Horror Con. Ricky starred in Freddy's Dead, Back to the Future 2 & 3 and Buffy while Danny started in Nightmare on Elm Street 4 and 5 respectively. For this episode we present that panel, recorded live! We also have the winner of our loudshop.com competition winner and another prize to giveaway. Grab your official SuperNerds UK swag from the Orbital Jigsaw Merch Store! Blubrry Promotion: www.orbitaljigsaw.com/snuk Facebook: /SuperNerdsUK Twitter: @SuperNerds_UK Instagram: @SuperNerdsUK Website: www.supernerdsuk.com

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