#72 Liam O’Donnell
Podcast |
SuperNerds UK
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TV & Film
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TV & Film
Publication Date |
Jan 18, 2018
Episode Duration |
We're joined by writer/director Liam O'Donnell, discussing his new movie Beyond Skyline. Liam also talks about his influences, his favourite movies and his effects work on Iron Man 2. Our Netpix is Oscar-winning musical, La La Land and we take an in depth look at what's to come in 2018. Grab your official SuperNerds UK swag from the Orbital Jigsaw Merch Store! Blubrry Promotion: www.orbitaljigsaw.com/snuk Facebook: /SuperNerdsUK Twitter: @SuperNerds_UK Instagram: @SuperNerdsUK Website: www.supernerdsuk.com

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