#6: The Los Angeles Rams Cheerleaders Of 1978 - Categories Via RSS
- Publication Date |
- May 09, 2016
- Episode Duration |
- 00:51:32
While the Dallas Cowboys may have assembled the NFL’s first modern cheerleading team, the L.A. Rams soon followed suit with a squad that was no less resplendent, yet all the more Hollywood. “The Embraceable Ewes,” as they came to be known, partied with the Rolling Stones, frolicked at the Playboy Mansion and made countless, primetime television appearances. Joshua Neuman sits down with original Rams cheerleader Jenilee Harrison (who would later co-star on hit TV shows like “Three’s Company” and “Dallas”), to remember a time when the L.A. Rams cheerleaders drew more attention than the L.A. Rams players. Neuman also excavates a little known ABC TV special about the Ewes starring elfish, everyman Regis Philbin. So whether you’re a foxy lady or a macho man—kick back and enjoy this totally bonkers, straight-outta-the-70s episode of The Greatest Show on Grass.