The Earth would be our lover except for totalitarian consumerism. Think of how the Earth has tried to reach us. And we have to include the fire and flood and virus with the beautiful Spring.
Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens are our guests at the Extinction Live Talk Radio, Sunday the 27th, 1 to 3 pm New York time. Come to
REVBILLY.COM. These radical lovers urge us away from religious or commercial approaches to the vast unknown that surrounds us. We can re-feel our relationship to nature in this time of the Sixth Extinction. Do we need to continue with our aggression? Love the Earth. Return to the sensual. The Earth will caress the Earth in us.
The host of Extinction Live Talk Radio is Rev Billy Talen, with Duchess and Teddy Tam Tam. Savitri D reports the News from the Natural World and the Sounds of Extinction.