56. Ryan Sanderson (host of Eat More Barbecue)
Podcast |
Creative Block
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Categories Via RSS |
Publication Date |
Jun 23, 2020
Episode Duration |

It's summer time! That means you can sit on your patio, get a tan, and eat some barbecue. Then you can eat more barbecue. Kyle invites Ryan Sanderson (host of the Eat More Barbecue podcast) to discuss his background and why he wanted to create a show about his hobby.

You can listen to the Eat More Barbecue podcast here: https://eatmorebarbecue.ca

Creative Block is a proud member of The Alberta Podcast Network, powered by ATB. You can find more information and listen to all the great shows by going here: https://www.albertapodcastnetwork.com

Our sponsors this week are:1.  Straight From the CPA's Mouth  - https://cpaalberta.ca/foundation - Don't be fooled: designated accountants are anything but boring. Listen in to hear Alberta CPAs share their experience, knowledge, and insights on eye-opening topics such as leadership, business, education, finance, and more.

2. World on Fire - https://cbc.ca/worldonfire -  University of Alberta fire guy Mike Flannigan and the CBC’s Adrienne Lamb talk with the people studying, fighting and living wildfires in places like Australia, California and Canada.

Media Lab YYC is a public production studio located in downtown Calgary, Alberta. They help you tell your story. They do this by assisting in the creation of videos and podcasts.

Website: http://medialabyyc.comYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC41pYdYE__w0lwGrrYsy0cw

Twitter: https://twitter.com/medialabyyc

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/medialabyyc/

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It's summer time! That means you can sit on your patio, get a tan, and eat some barbecue. Then you can eat more barbecue. Kyle invites Ryan Sanderson (host of the Eat More Barbecue podcast) to discuss his background and why he wanted to create a show about his hobby.

It's summer time! That means you can sit on your patio, get a tan, and eat some barbecue. Then you can eat more barbecue. Kyle invites Ryan Sanderson (host of the Eat More Barbecue podcast) to discuss his background and why he wanted to create a show about his hobby.

You can listen to the Eat More Barbecue podcast here: https://eatmorebarbecue.ca

Creative Block is a proud member of The Alberta Podcast Network, powered by ATB. You can find more information and listen to all the great shows by going here: https://www.albertapodcastnetwork.com

Our sponsors this week are:1.  Straight From the CPA's Mouth  - https://cpaalberta.ca/foundation - Don't be fooled: designated accountants are anything but boring. Listen in to hear Alberta CPAs share their experience, knowledge, and insights on eye-opening topics such as leadership, business, education, finance, and more.

2. World on Fire - https://cbc.ca/worldonfire -  University of Alberta fire guy Mike Flannigan and the CBC’s Adrienne Lamb talk with the people studying, fighting and living wildfires in places like Australia, California and Canada.

Media Lab YYC is a public production studio located in downtown Calgary, Alberta. They help you tell your story. They do this by assisting in the creation of videos and podcasts.

Website: http://medialabyyc.comYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC41pYdYE__w0lwGrrYsy0cw

Twitter: https://twitter.com/medialabyyc

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/medialabyyc/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/medialabyyc/

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