A promising young woman finds an unlikely, undead mentor. This is the first installment of "The Archives of H.A.N.D.", a miniseries within our latest collection, Yours Truly. "The Archives of H.A.N.D. — The Liz B. Situation" Written by Lizz Leiser & Kacie Laforest Featured cast: Kacie Laforest as Rebecca-Sage Ellis-White Michael Pate as H.A.N.D Agent Kyle Davison Ali Silva as The Blood Countess, Elizabeth Bathory Directed by Ali Silva, Lizz Leiser & Kacie Laforest Intro music composed by Nico Sleator The Archives of H.A.N.D. music composed by Ari Kessler Produced by Gustavo Rodriguez & Ali Silva Production operations: Lizz Leiser Social media: Kacie Laforest Production coordinator: Faith Johnson FMT theme music by Jason Graves Audio production & sound design: Ali Silva Copyright 2021 Fireside Mystery Productions Our internet haven:
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