- Year of the creepy clown. What's behind the insane number of creepy clown sightings happening around the world? Why do we fear clowns? Have these creepy clowns actually hurt anyone? Everything you need to know about the current clown craze in this extended episode of Timesuck.
2016. Year of the creepy clown. What's behind the insane number of creepy clown sightings happening around the world? Why do we fear clowns? Have these creepy clowns actually hurt anyone? Everything you need to know about the current clown craze in this extended episode of Timesuck.
- Year of the creepy clown. What's behind the insane number of creepy clown sightings happening around the world? Why do we fear clowns? Have these creepy clowns actually hurt anyone? Everything you need to know about the current clown craze in this extended episode of Timesuck.