471: Blop Blop, Fizz Fizz
Publisher |
Player One Podcast
Media Type |
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Games & Hobbies
Video Games
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Video Games
Publication Date |
Nov 17, 2015
Episode Duration |

This week! Kevin Larrabee joins us to talk about Fallout 4 (SPOILERS for around the first 5 hours), the Nintendo Direct, the MST3K Kickstarter, Kevin’s foray into anime, Nintendo Badge Arcade, Ultimate Ghouls ’n’ Ghosts, and much, much more. Join us, won’t you?

Links of Interest:

Nintendo Direct 11.12.15Twilight Princess HDZelda Wii UCloud coming to Super Smash Bros.Pokémon PicrossPicross NP Vol. 1 (with Pokémon)Star Fox ZeroGravity Rush getting a physical releaseFire Emblem FatesAnimal Crossing Amiibo (KK Slider)Gold Mega Man w/Legacy CollectionDifference in R.O.B. AmiibosMega Yarn Yoshi at Toys R UsBring Back MST3K KickstarterFriday the 13th Kickstarter makes its goalSuper Star Wars on PS4/VitaGame Genie commercialCowboy Bebop The MovieAkiraGhost in the ShellInitial DHologram-Pop-Star-Hatsune-Miku-Plans-North-America-Tour-348421051.html">Hatsune Miku coming to the westGabbo is comingShonen Knife going on tourThe Warriors is on Netflixuniverse.wikia.com/wiki/Steven_Universe_Wiki">Steven UniverseNintendo Badge ArcadeKevin Builds a New PC! (on YouTube)Just Cause 3Fallout 4Kevin plays Fallout 4 on YouTubeImage of Sentrybot/Scorpion fightFallout 4 Collector’s Edition Guidew/Bob and David on NetflixMaster of None on NetflixUltimate Ghosts ‘N’ Goblins on PSN storeJoe Piscopo on Star Trek TNGVirtual Boy Wario Land commercialDarius Burst Chronicle SavioursKabukicho

Check out Back In My Play at backinmyplay.com, The Fitcast at thefitcast.com, and follow Kevin Larrabee on Twitter @kevinlarrabee.

Check out Greg's web series Generation 16 (Episode 16 now available) - click here. And take a trip over to Phil's YouTube Channel to see some awesome retro game vids.

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Running time: 1:49:20

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