470: Spartans Without Helmets
Publisher |
Player One Podcast
Media Type |
Podknife tags |
Games & Hobbies
Video Games
Categories Via RSS |
Video Games
Publication Date |
Nov 10, 2015
Episode Duration |

This week! Stewy played games for charity, Activision bought King, there was an embargo on the review embargo for Fallout 4, we devolve into talking about the Sears Wish Books late in the show and there’s a lot more in the center there too - Halo 5, Persona 4 Golden, Mario Maker, Snoopy’s Grand Adventure and so much more. Join us, won’t you?

Links of interest:

life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.participant&participantID=140589">Greg Sewart’s Extra-Life Page

Fallout 4 - embargo on the review embargo

Mario Maker update and event courses

Activision buys King for $6 billion

Overscan on Apple TV

Persona 4 Golden

Halo 5

Super Mario Maker

Mega Coin Squad PS4

LEGO Dimensions

Snoopy’s Grand Adventure


Dreamcast Zip Drive

Dreamcast DVD player

Sega Neptune

Panasonic 3DO M2

Sears 1988 Wishbook scans

Sears 1986 Wishbook scans

Child World

Service Merchandise

Deadly Duck

Consumers Distributing

Police Academy Animated Series

Omnibot 2000

G.I. Joe U.S.S. Flagg

Check out Greg's web series Generation 16 (Episode 16 now available) - click here. And take a trip over to Phil's YouTube Channel to see some awesome retro game vids.

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Running time: 1:28:58

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