47 | Why Faith? Indiegogo
Podcast |
Comic Book HQ
Publisher |
RabblePress Network
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TV & Film
Visual Arts
Publication Date |
May 29, 2019
Episode Duration |

On this very special episode, Jared sits down with comic book writer Jack Holder to talk about his fantastic new anthology "Why Faith? A Comics Anthology" which is currently on Indiegogo. This anthology is very unique and tackles a subject many are nervous to talk about: religion and faith. This episode gets deep as we dive into what faith looks like in our world today and how we can start bridging the gap. We talk about where Jack's inspiration came from, as well as some of the amazing creators that are apart of this book. The link for the Why Faith? Indiegogo is below! You can follow us on Facebook @TheComicBookHQ and on Twitter & Instagram @ComicBookHQ or email us at Letters@TheComicBookHQ.com. And visit our website at TheComicBookHQ.com for more great comic reviews and articles

Why Faith? A Comics Anthology:https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/why-faith-a-comics-anthology#/

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