45 | Comicpalooza 2019
Podcast |
Comic Book HQ
Publisher |
RabblePress Network
Media Type |
Podknife tags |
Categories Via RSS |
TV & Film
Visual Arts
Publication Date |
May 17, 2019
Episode Duration |

On this episode of Comic Book HQ, Jared brings you a special comic con episode covering Comicpalooza 2019 in Houston, TX. He talks about his experience at the con and what he enjoyed. Then he brings you 3 interviews from the con floor. The first is with writer Frank Gogol. The second is with writer Bob Salley. And the third is with writer and editor Chuck Pineau. We hope you enjoy! You can follow us on Facebook @TheComicBookHQ and on Twitter & Instagram @ComicBookHQ or email us at letters@thecomicbookhq.com. And visit our website at TheComicBookHQ.com for more great comic reviews and articles.

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