Apple has announced the iPhone 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max. Also new: the Apple Watch SE, Apple Watch Series 8 and all-new Apple Watch Ultra. An update to the AirPods Pro was also thrown into the mix. This week, the guys cover the news and then see how their predictions looked after Apple's "Far Out" event.
This week, the guys cover the news and then see how their predictions looked after Apple's "Far Out" event.
Apple has announced the iPhone 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max. Also new: the Apple Watch SE, Apple Watch Series 8 and all-new Apple Watch Ultra. An update to the AirPods Pro was also thrown into the mix. This week, the guys cover the news and then see how their predictions looked after Apple's "Far Out" event.
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Guest Starring:
Dice by PCalc
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