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Submit ReviewThis week! Almost every other podcast you listen to this week will be advising Nintendo on what they should do, debating who won the December NPDs and lamenting not getting in the Titanfall alpha. In this podcast, CJ and three guests (Kevin Larrabee, Bill Mudron, and Rich Grisham) discuss none of those things. Instead, join us for two hours of much more positive video game talk and stories. And please be sure to check out Kevin/Bill/Rich’s other stuff on the Internet - it is well worth your time.
Back In My PlayBack In My Play Weekend RentalBill Mudron Entertainment SystemBoy Howdy PodcastPress Row PodcastDoddcast
And follow them on Twitter: @KevinLarrabee, @mudron and @RichGrisham.
And check out Greg's web series Generation 16 (Episode 10 now available) - click here. And take a trip over to Phil's YouTube Channel to see some awesome retro game vids.
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Running time: 1:59:00
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