374: Doctor Default
Publisher |
Player One Podcast
Media Type |
Podknife tags |
Games & Hobbies
Video Games
Categories Via RSS |
Video Games
Publication Date |
Jan 06, 2014
Episode Duration |

This week! Yeah we said we were going to do some Walking Dead spoilers in this episode BUT with Mike out it just didn’t feel right to do it without him. But we do talk about Dr. Luigi, Bravely Default (demo), Mario Tennis (GBC) and Knack. Plus: Discussion on whether half-games or standalones should be considered for awards, the most we’ve ever spent on a retro game, the rise of single-player games, and our next-gen UI wishlists. BTW our voicemail line has returned. Why not leave us a message? (234) 752-9123

And check out Greg's web series Generation 16 (Episode 10 now available) - click here. And take a trip over to Phil's YouTube Channel to see some awesome retro game vids.

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Running time: 57:20

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