366: Show My Junk
Publisher |
Player One Podcast
Media Type |
Podknife tags |
Games & Hobbies
Video Games
Categories Via RSS |
Video Games
Publication Date |
Nov 11, 2013
Episode Duration |

This week! Just a few more days to go ’til the launch of the PS4. We talk next-gen launch junk, warehouse pictures, Kinect voice control, the role of the press and checking out PS4 demo kiosks in stores. As for games discussed - Tiny Death Star, CastleStorm, Assassin’s Creed III Tyranny of King George, Beyond: Two Souls, Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded, Wii Sports Club, Wii Fit U, Wind Waker HD, Knack’s Quest and more. Plus: Japanese game development, upgrading your PS4 hard drive, HD-HD remakes, deserve sequels, DLC and more.

And check out Greg's web series Generation 16 (Episode 10 now available) - click here. And take a trip over to Phil's YouTube Channel to see some awesome retro game vids.

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Running time: 1:31:00

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