Zach Gage joins the show to talk about game design and creativity, including his new game Knotwords.
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Zach Gage’s portfolio website, with a full list of games.
Really Bad Chess, which is actually, of course, really good.
SynthPod, Zach’s first iPhone app.
HyperStudio — a classic developer tool like HyperCard, but with color support.
Apple’s original “Cocoa” — Stagecast Creator/KidSim.
Zach Lieberman’s OpenFrameworks project from 2010.
Lights Off — the first native iPhone game, nearly a year before the App Store. (I mistakenly called it “Lights Out” during the show.)
CandyBar — Mac utility for customizing icons, including, back in the day, the icons for the system itself.
Threes, a great puzzle game of iOS from 2014. (App Store link.)
2048, a free Threes knockoff.
Texas Instruments TI-83 Graphing Calculator, and games written for it.
8.php">PICO-8 fantasy console.
Playdate Pulp, and Bitsy, Pulp’s inspiration.
lewitt.html">Sol LeWitt, conceptual artist.
This episode of The Talk Show was edited by Caleb Sexton.