34: Attack eyebrows
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TV & Film
Publication Date |
Sep 05, 2014
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The Day of the Doctor brings together Ten and Eleven, and introduces War. How do they handle rubber He-Man monsters? Time of the Doctor has Matt Smith's last stand. Can Moffat payoff on The Silence and Question? And Peter Capaldi's run as Twelve starts off with a giant t-rex in London and a new big bad. Does the latest Doctor get off to a good start? With Dave Wiskus and Rene Ritchie.

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The Day of the Doctor brings together Ten and Eleven, and introduces War. How do they handle rubber He-Man monsters? Time of the Doctor has Matt Smith's last stand. Can Moffat payoff on The Silence and Question? And Peter Capaldi's run as Twelve starts off with a giant t-rex in London and a new big bad. Does the latest Doctor get off to a good start? With Dave Wiskus and Rene Ritchie.

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