Today I’m going to be speaking with renowned high-stakes online cash game crusher and coach, Nick Howard.Nick has been one of the prominent coaches in the poker world for going on 10 years now.He was once one of the most sought after coaches at Run It Once and has since moved on to form his own private coaching and staking company, Poker Detox.After experiencing extreme suffering and considering giving up the game forever, Nick surrendered to a larger purpose and made it his life’s mission to develop more simplified strategies than the GTO based ones so that other folks wouldn’t have to go through what he did.In order to put his money where his mouth was, Mission #1 was to take a small group of losing players and turn them into winners within a year … not an adventure for the faint of heart.They were successful, to say the least, and have since become the core of Poker Detox.Nick speaks with conviction as he shares his journey through inner turmoil, how he used that pain to drive him forward and create something new, and why he feels that it is absolutely essential that he shares what he knows and what he’s doing with those who want to learn from him.If you feel like you’ve been struggling, or that you’ve hit a wall you just can’t seem to get past, Nick’s words could be the catalyst that sets you on a new and easier path to poker greatness.Thanks again for joining me. And now...Nick Howard on Chasing Poker Greatness.New CPG Cash Game Courses!Preflop Bootcamp: in a Barrel: Flop Leads: