It's 1883. It's The Victoria Hall Sunderland, and an out-of-town prestidigitator is about to take part in the worst theatrical experience since Mel Gibson played Hamlet.
In what Health and Safety executives are warning has the potential to be the 26th episode of the CB Wallop Podcast, join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss The Victoria Hall Stampede - the tiny, tragic mistake that cost the lives of two hundred children, ruined countless more and inadvertently helped us all loiter by the fire escape during our fag break.
Is this a new contender for the most horrible episode of CB Wallop ever? ... yes .. unfortunately it is.
Trigger Warning!: THIS ONE IS VERY, VERY NASTY. This is about two hundred children being crushed to death. If you have children, or know what children are, parts of it are going to be difficult to hear. The really bad stuff starts at about minute fifteen).
Title music by Steve Adam
Audio Clip:
Ticket to Tragedy
Documentary about the Victoria Hall Disaster, which happened in 1883, in Sunderland. This tragedy was one of the worst of its kind to happen in British history.