20 (more) Minutes with Cat Rambo - Publication Date |
- Apr 19, 2016
- Episode Duration |
- 00:34:55
Cat Rambo is one of THE most dedicated storytellers I've ever met. Her commitment to her craft and the enthusiastic determination with which she pursues it is inspiring (and exhausting). This will be her third tour as Guest Host on the RTP and - while I've already done the "stalkerish" intro for her - just catching everyone up on her achievements between episodes becomes a whole new epic saga. She is truly a champion storyteller.
In the co-host chair is Denise Lhamon, former Guest Writer, artist, and storyteller who joins us from the ranks of Onder Librum's Sessorium of Creatives. The three us use Cat's upcoming class roster as the sylybus for our conversation, exploring the retelling of myths and fairy tales, the use of literary techniques in genre fiction, how to start a novel, and more. Writerly goodness is pretty much guaranteed, gang... just hit that "PLAY" button!