Have you ever felt that you were neurodiverse in some way? Did you ever struggle with the traditional school system? Did you or someone you know take away from school the worst of all possible learnings, that you or they were unintelligent? Well, today I have invited Professor Simon Barron-Cohen, the author of The Pattern Seekers: How Autism Drives Human Invention, to be on the show. This is part one of two interviews in which Simon takes from his 40 years of research at the University of Cambridge in order to help people who are neurodiverse, particularly people on the autistic spectrum, to be able to operate at their very best, and for the rest of us to be able to figure out how to work with them so that we can draw the best from them. By the end of this interview, you will better understand how to utilize your neurodiversity and the people that you live and work with.
Learn more about Sir Barron-Cohen here:
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