The backstory behind this episode is simple enough. Sama was hanging out with motion_correct, listening to some records and jamming, when suddenly one track snapped to the foreground. The song sounded grungy and epic by all means, and it instantly became clear we needed to discuss this on the podcast. So the next day, Sama treks back to motion_correct’s house to record a quick chat about this 4-side compilation album featuring some incredible West Coast Nuggets. While you’re here, make sure to check out motion_correct’s eclectic international mix called Culture Shock (episode 155 of TVE)!—Patreon Supporters:Official Vinyl Examiners - Bryan Seybold and Yan WangExecutive Producers - Ben Lack (Brass Animals), Austel Grey (Zerosystem), and Jeannine CuevasJoin our Patreon group and get awesome awards: @TheVinylExam