Michael Tranmer is a professional speaker and the author of satori ananda–awaken to happiness, a memoir about the life transformation he experienced following the sudden end of his marriage. Michael also works as an engineer in the highly specialized field of coastal engineering, where he designs and builds infrastructure along the British Columbia coast. Michael […]
Michael Tranmer is a professional speaker and the author of
satori ananda–awaken to happiness, a memoir about the life transformation he experienced following the sudden end of his marriage. Michael also works as an engineer in the highly specialized field of coastal engineering, where he designs and builds infrastructure along the British Columbia coast. Michael embodies and speaks on Transcendent Leadership, drawing on experiences from his personal and professional life.
Open up to connect with any audience
Michael learned that when you open up and show your vulnerability you become an effective speaker. Michael used to post photos of landscapes on Instagram, but after his hardship he started posting photos of himself telling his feelings. That resonated with many people. Now Michael applies this principle for public speaking: open up to connect with any audience.
Transcendent leadership
Transcendent leadership is about overcoming fears and hardships as leaders, and then help other leaders do the same. We transcend beyond our limitations and fears, and evolve those around us.
Emotion Gets Connection Into Motion
Favorite quotation
“If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.” —Lao Tzu
Recommended book
The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer
Routine to Shine
Meditate every day.
satori ananda (book)
Michael Tranmer’s site
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