How To Overcome Leadership Vertigo
Publisher |
Tanveer Naseer
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Categories Via RSS |
Publication Date |
Sep 30, 2014
Episode Duration |
With so many books, articles, and studies on how leaders can be more effective guiding their teams in today's faster-paced, global environment, why do leaders still struggle to help their organizations to succeed? That's the basis of the conversation in this VERY special episode of Leadership Biz Cafe which wraps up the month-long celebration of the release of my first leadership book, “Leadership Vertigo”. In this special episode of my show, I'm delighted to hand over hosting duties to my friend David Burkus, author of “The Myths of Creativity” and host of the leadership podcast show, LDRLB, so he can interview me about my new book, as well as asking about my future plans, including a discussion about my next leadership book. Over the course of this discussion, David and I discuss: What is leadership vertigo and how does it impact leaders in today's organizations.Understanding one of the key challenges organizations face in terms of balancing leadership development and retaining key talent.What Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela help us to understand about the importance of community and why it's necessary to rallying employees around our vision or long-term objectives.My experience with a public transit janitor on the Chicago L-Train and what his actions reveal about the true nature of credibility in leadership.What's next in store for me, including a discussion of what the focus of my next leadership book will be. As David mentions at the end of this special episode, I’d love to hear what you think about this conversation about my first leadership book, as well as hearing what other topics this might spur your interest in learning more about in future episodes of my show. To do so, please leave me a comment below or fill out the contact form found on my website. I’d appreciate it if you could help support future episodes of this leadership podcast by taking a moment to rate my show on Google Podcasts, Stitcher Radio, iTunes, or your preferred podcast platform. It’s worth noting that my leadership podcast was recognized by Inc. As one of “12 podcasts that will make you a better leader”. So please help me get the word out about my show. Noteworthy links: Check out David Burkus' leadership podcast show, “LDRLB”.Learn more about my new book, “Leadership Vertigo” and where you can buy yourself a copy. I'd like to take this opportunity to once again thank David for agreeing to step in as a special guest host for Leadership Biz Cafe and for the thoughtful discussion around my book, “Leadership Vertigo”. And as this wraps up the month-long celebration of this special event, I'd like to once again thank all of my special guest contributors in this special leadership series – Doug Conant, Liz Wiseman, Jim Kouzes, Barry Posner, and David Burkus. My thanks and gratitude go out to each of you for joining me in the celebration of my first leadership book. I am truly grateful for your generosity, support, and encouragement. Your involvement in this celebration has certainly helped to make this important milestone event a memorable and special one, for both my audience and myself.
With so many books, articles, and studies on how leaders can be more effective guiding their teams in today's faster-paced, global environment, why do leaders still struggle to help their organizations to succeed? That's the basis of the conversation in this VERY special episode of Leadership Biz Cafe which wraps up the month-long celebration of the release of my first leadership book, “Leadership Vertigo”.

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