Elena Paweta is an academic lecturer and a business trainer in communication, leadership and presentation skills. Born in beautiful Saint Petersburg in Russia, she is currently living in Poland. She has a PhD degree in economics field specializing in entrepreneurship. She is the organizer of TEDx conferences in Poland and an active member of Toastmasters International.
What TEDx is
TEDx are independently organized events by curious individuals under a free license granted by
TED. In TEDx, speakers—usually not well-know people—share new ideas worth spreading.
TEDx 10th Anniversary, Time to Organize Your Own?
This year 2019, TEDx celebrates its 10th anniversary. If you want to organize a TEDx event on your own town,
get the license, create your team, and then Elena recommends focusing on four key areas:
* Speakers
* Marketing
* Partners
* Logistics
Success Stories from Coaching Hundreds of TEDx Talks
Favorite quotation
“If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.” — unknown
Recommended book
Game Changers by Dave Asprey
Routine to Shine
Be with smart people, great people. If you want to be a great speaker, be where great speakers are. Learn from them and become better and better.
Elena at LinkedIn
TEDx Warsaw Women
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