12/07/22 - Dry crops and field fires, low emission slurry, on-farm dairy processor - Publication Date |
- Jul 12, 2022
- Episode Duration |
- 00:13:38
The heatwave has brought a series of field fires as farmers start to gather in the harvest. The combination of working machinery, high temperatures and very dry crops is something farmers have to be vigilant about.
Scotland’s Rural College has just bought a new piece of kit for their dairy herd, which they claim will practically eliminate methane and ammonia emissions from their slurry production.
All this week we're talking dairy, and one of the big conversations for this sector is prices. Gundenham Dairy in Somerset manages its own processing on-site, allowing them a unique degree of control over the process. But that, we hear, comes with its own challenges.
Presented by Anna Hill and produced by Beatrice Fenton.