Today we talk with author J. Budziszewski, scholar and professor of Philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin about his new book: How and How Not to Be Happy. J Budziszewski among many other areas, is a scholar on Thomas Aquinas. In this conversation we tap into some of the ideas of Thomas Aquinas on happiness. This book in a great introduction into Thomas Aquinas and some of J Budziszewski’s other books on the great Middles Ages philosopher and theologian.About Today’s Guest:A Podcast of Biblical Proportions can learn more about the History of Papacy and subscribe at all these great places:
steve@atozhistorypage.com the Big Screen:Beyondthebigscreen.comThe History of the Papacy on YouTube: Your History of the Papacy Podcast Products Here: out the show by ordering these books from Amazon! Provided by:"Danse Macabre" Kevin MacLeod ("Virtutes Instrumenti" Kevin MacLeod ("Crusades" Kevin MacLeod ("Funeral March for Brass" Kevin MacLeod ("String Impromptu Number 1" Kevin MacLeod ("Intended Force" Kevin MacLeod ( Dei X - Bitter Suite Kevin MacLeaod ("Folk Round" Kevin MacLeod ("Celtic Impulse" Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Credits:By Ariely - Own work, CC BY 3.0, ttps:// Pam Brophy, CC BY-SA 2.0, ACBahn - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Transcript:Thank you for listening to the History of the Papacy. I am your host Steve. You can find show notes, how to contact me, sign up for our mailing list and how to support the History of the Papacy by going to the website: of supporting the show, Patreon is a great way to do that. We’re at•4 Tiers – Antioch, Alexandria, Constantinople and Rome•Inclusion on the History of the Papacy Diptychs, bonus audio and video content, Pope coin, monthly book drawings, early content, and add free, early content. Sign up early so that you have your name at the top of the lists! •History of the Papacy/Diptychs Fun Fact - •Pope Coin:•I would like to send a special thanks to Emmett for his donation on Paypal. Paypal is another way to support the history of the papacy along with Apple Podcasts reviews and joining on Patreon•Now, let us commemorate the Patreon Patrons on the History of the Papacy Diptychs. We have oRoberto, Goran, William B, Brian, Jeffrey, Christina, John, Sarah, and William H at the Alexandria level oDapo, Paul, Justin, Lana and John, all of who are the Magnificent at the Constantinople Level. oReaching the ultimate power and prestige, that of the See of Rome: we have Peter the Great, Leonard the Great and Alex the Great!•As you know, we are a member of the Parthenon Podcast network, featuring James Early’s Key Battles of American History podcast among many other great shows. Go to parthenon podcast dot com to learn more.•Today we talk with author J. Budziszewski, scholar and professor of Philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin about his new book: How and How Not to Be Happy. J Budziszewski among many other areas, is a scholar on Thomas Aquinas. In this conversation we tap into some of the ideas of Thomas Aquinas on happiness. This book in a great introduction into Thomas Aquinas and some of J Budziszewski’s other books on the great Middles Ages philosopher and theologian.•With that, here is the next piece of the mosaic of the history of the Popes of Rome and Christian Church.