104. The Smoker Broker
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Jun 17, 2020
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Welcome to Episode 104 of the podcast! Original Air Date: June 17, 2020 The Eat More Barbecue Podcast is a proud part of the Alberta Podcast Network, powered by ATB. This week’s network shoutout goes to The Read Along, a mini book club for your ears. Visit www.albertapodcastnetwork.com for links to The Read Along and all the other great shows on the network. If you’re interested in joining in on the Supper Challenge, you can follow @supperchallenge on Instagram and use #supperchallenge on your posts. Follow the feed for each week’s theme and have some fun! This episode of the Eat More Barbecue podcast is brought to you by: Park Power, a provider of electricity and natural gas in Alberta that offers low rates, awesome service, and profit-sharing with local charities. Park Power is owned by Kris Kasawski (ka-ZAW-skee), who has a growing and well-deserved reputation for being a guy who cares. If you’re in the Edmonton area, you may have seen him around town in his signature bowtie, supporting local causes and boosting local business. He walks that talk with his business — it’s why Park Power shares 10 percent of its profits with local charities. New customers who sign up with Park Power can choose a Community Partner, and 10% of proceeds from your electricity bill would go to local charities like CKUA. Park Power’s other Community Partners include: Boys and Girls Club of Strathcona County; the altView Foundation for Gender Variant and Sexual Minorities; the Festival Place Cultural Arts Foundation; Muscular Dystrophy Canada; the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society; and the Saffron Centre, which supports those affected by sexual violence. When you sign up, you get to choose which partner gets to share in the profits. Learn more at www.parkpower.ca Visit the Canadian BBQ Society website at www.cbbqs.ca for a full calendar of events, team info and results from past competitions. Nathan from The Smoker Broker is my guest on this episode. Be sure to check them out at www.smokerbroker.ca to find a retailer of the fine products they represent near you. All music on The Eat More Barbecue podcast has been graciously provided by Alan Horabin. Eat More Barbecue can be found at www.eatmorebarbecue.ca, on Facebook & Instagram at eat_more_barbecue and on Twitter @eatmorebarbecue. My email is eatmorebarbecue@gmail.com Thanks for listening. Please subscribe, rate and review. This podcast is a www.EatMoreBarbecue.ca production.

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