Apple and Qualcomm make up over fried chicken, social-media companies continue to not get it, and the Galaxy Fold makes a very bad first impression.
Apple and Qualcomm make up over fried chicken, social-media companies continue to not get it, and the Galaxy Fold makes a very bad first impression.
Apple and Qualcomm make up over fried chicken, social-media companies continue to not get it, and the Galaxy Fold makes a very bad first impression.
This episode of Download is sponsored by:
Pingdom: Start monitoring your websites and servers today. Use offer code DOWNLOAD to get 30% off.
Away: Travel smarter with the suitcase that charges your phone. Get $20 off with the code ‘download’.
Guest Starring:
Lisa Schmeiser
Links and Show Notes:
update.html">A healthier Twitter: Progress and more to do