In the first installment of INCEL, Naama explores her fascination with identity online and provides a brief primer on the evolution of the web as a platform, before beginning her investigation by tracking down a controversial poster named Neo, at the beginning, when she was still "bluepilled af." —————————————————————— The blue pill represents a life of luxurious security, tranquil happiness, and blissful ignorance of the harsh realities of existence. In contrast, the red pill represents freedom resulting from knowledge of these brutal truths of reality. We'll get to the black pill. —————————————————————— Please check out my all new Patreon for ad-free, uncensored episodes and weekly blogs! —————————————————————— INCEL is produced by Naama Kates and brought to you by Crawlspace Media. Music by Cyrus Melchor. Additional voices by Old Man Saxon and Brittany Ballard. --- Support this podcast: