075 Jon "Apestyles" Van Fleet on Winning The Party Poker Millions for $1,027,000
Publisher |
Elliot Roe
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Publication Date |
Jan 14, 2018
Episode Duration |

In This Week's Episode:  Jon “apestyles” Van Fleet has long been considered by many to be the greatest online MTT player of all time, and his accomplishments in 2017 only served to cement that legacy.

In 2017 he won the Party Poker Millions Main Event for $1,027,000, the Party Poker Power Fest Main Event for $153,000, and the PokerStars $700 Super-Sized Sunday for over $82,000.

Jon joins Elliot and Adrienne to talk about his incredible year and how you can study under him in his Elevate Group Coaching Program on Max-Value.com.

In This Episode You'll Learn: 

  • [3:37] – How on the final day of the Party Poker Millions Jon was able to set aside the enormous amount he was playing for, make peace with whatever happened, all while remaining confident that he was going to win.
  • [6:45] - The specific Yoga discipline that high-stakes poker players are using to improve their mental and physical performance.
  • [12:13] – Why Jon stopped trash talking other player’s games even though he consistently finds leaks in their games and doesn’t believe anybody is very good.
  • [14:20] – The mindset that Jon uses to maintain his passion for improving his game, even after grinding online MTTs for over 13 years.
  • [21:14] – Learn about the Elevate Program that Jon runs on Max-Value.com and how you can apply to be a member and learn his system.

Jon "apestyles" Van Fleet

Adrienne "Talonchick" Rowsome:

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