Efficiency, why slowing down can be good, how a former reality show contestant and Millennial leveraged a childhood fantasy, why entrepreneurship in college matters, and putting that to work in corporate America…
Kelle Jacob, Senior Manager, International Marketing for ELC Ventures and for BECCA Cosmetics, joins Karen Moon, Deanna Utroske [Episode 14], and Barbara Zinn Moore [Episode 30] in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by
Sennheiser.In this episode:
Jacobs’ career path
Working with innovative companies as the “cool kids of the block”, and how things are changing mixed with the opportunities of a legacy brand
Optimizing processes while being respectful to culture while allowing for efficiencies of scale
Influencers, and building a community around a brand
The impact of social media on brand marketing, and how most important thing is connection to consumer
Opening channels of communication with consumers i.e. via receipts, or package tracking
Giving relevant content, not just having a bot that the consumer comes to, having a good development plan for technology, with a focus on personalization and interaction
Brands need to be personified
Instagram top of the list of social tools
Biohacking and DNA, voice and voice search
The reality show that Jacob was on, Shanghai, her morning ritual, waking up two hours earlier, meditating and dancing, and positivity
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