Kathryn P. Haydon writes, speaks, and consults to support an educational
paradigm based on student strengths and creative thinking. She is a
keynote speaker and specialist for families, schools, and educational
organizations nationwide. Kathryn co-authored Creativity for Everybody
(2015) and Discovering and Developing Talents in Spanish-Speaking
Students (2012); writes for publications on education, creativity, and
parenting highly creative and gifted children; and is a published poet.
As a former teacher, Kathryn founded Sparkitivity to engage “square
peg” students and to support the parents and educators who want them to
succeed. She holds a Master of Science in Creativity, Creative Problem
Solving, and Change Leadership from the International Center for Studies
in Creativity at State University of New York, and a Bachelor of Arts
from Northwestern University. Learn more and find resources at
http://www.sparkitivity.com or @sparkitivity