The February NPD numbers are out, and we take the opportunity to talk about each company's strategy or lack thereof for the upcoming months. Is Nintendo's continued success with the Wii going to peter out at some point soon as PS3 gets its sea legs? What does Sony need to do to emerge from its sales pit? When Game Boy Advance is outselling you, there's a problem.Next up, we tackle an issue that recently bubbled back to the surface when Silicon Knights' Denis Dyack appeared on EGM Live: How review-y should previews be? Is there a line at which it stops being a preview and starts being a judgement on a game that may be a year-plus away from release? In today's blog/podcast/multimedia culture anyone with a keyboard and an internet connection can share their opinion on a game, and the PR departments of many big publishers will continue struggling to control the message.Keep leaving us comments (via e-mail, comments
on our web site, the forum thread for this episode, reviews
on iTunes, giving us
Diggs, Skype us at playeronepodcast) or leave us a voice mail by calling 713-893-8069, long distance charges apply. Thanks for listening, tell your friends, and we'll be back next week. Don't forget to
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Big Bumpin' (Xbox 360)
Burnout Revenge (Xbox 360)
God of War II (PS2)
Crackdown (Xbox 360)
Worms (XBLA)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1989 Arcade (XBLA)
World of Warcraft (PC)
Motorstorm (PS3)
Virtua Fighter 5 (PS3)
Def Jam Icon (PS3) NPD: February Software Sales Up 28%
npd-madness-244656.php">Kotaku: February NPD Madness
EGM Live: Denis Dyack Why Denis Dyack is Right (And Why Shane Bettenhausen Isn't Wrong) E3: Too Human Hands-On
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