03/12/07 - Episode 20: Home Invasion
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Player One Podcast
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Video Games
Publication Date |
Mar 12, 2007
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The 2007 Game Developers Conference was held last week in San Francisco. While Greg, Chris and Phil did not attend, the "magic" of the Internet allowed us to keep tabs on the goings on. The major news? Sony's formal announcement of PlayStation Home -- your Home away from home that you can log onto from home. Is this the light at the end of the tunnel to the streak of bad press that Sony's been getting? And is it what Sony needed to match Microsoft's Xbox Live service? Listen in as we talk about PS Home and its proposed features.That's not where the news stops, however. We also discuss Little Big Planet, the PlayStation 3 game that may benefit the most from Sony's Home community. It could also help usher in a new era of user-created content, one the likes of which has never been seen before. In three words: we like it. And continuing with the GDC-fueled content, our last discussion covers quotes from three game developers that got the most attention at the show--one from Warren Spector, one from Keiji Inafune and the infamous "the Wii is a piece of shit" quote from Maxis' Chris Hecker. He's never gonna live that one down.Keep leaving us comments (via e-mail, comments on our web site, the forum thread for this episode, reviews on iTunes, giving us Diggs, Skype us at playeronepodcast) or leave us a voice mail by calling 713-893-8069, long distance charges apply. Thanks for listening, tell your friends, and we'll be back next week. Don't forget to join our forums!This week's links:Worms (Xbox Live Arcade)Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja (Nintendo DS)Crackdown (Xbox 360)Crackdown video: Climbing the Agency tower with the SUVCrackdown video: Explosion!Dance Dance Revolution Universe (Xbox 360)Motorstorm (PS3)Def Jam Icon (360/PS3)Wario: Master of Disguise (Nintendo DS)Game Developers ConferencePlayStation Home promo videoPlayStation Home FAQGamevideos.com: PlayStation Home full demoLittle Big Planet level creation videoLittle Big Planet demoLittle Big Planet level creation demoGamePro.com: Are Next-Gen Graphics A Bad Thing?capcoms-inafune-slams-clover-producer-242796.php">Kotaku: Capcom's Inafune Slams Clover Producer1UP.com: Game Publishers Rant About Industrydeveloper-chris-hecker-apologizes-for-calling-the-wii-a-piece-of-shit-242822.php">Kotaku: Spore Developer Chris Hecker Apologizes For Calling the Wii a "Piece of Shit" digg_url = 'http://www.digg.com/podcasts/Player_One_Podcast'; digg_bgcolor = '#FFCC99'; digg_skin = 'compact';

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