This week we present to you a very special episode of the Player One Podcast. Greg and Phil sit down with Al Lowe, creator of the Leisure Suit Larry series (not including the recent and craptacular Magna Cum Laude) and other classic Sierra On-Line graphic adventures. Listen as we pick Al's brain about everything from game design in the old days to the fall of Sierra to his opinions on the current state of games for adults. Caution: There might be some bald jokes and at least one major error by our interviewers in there, too.Keep leaving us comments (via e-mail, comments
on our web site, the forum thread for this episode, review us
on iTunes,
Digg us, Skype us at playeronepodcast) or leave us a voice mail by calling 713-893-8069, long distance charges apply. Thanks for listening, tell your friends, and we'll be back next week with a regular episode and the return of all the usual players. Don't forget to
join our forums!This week's links:
Al Lowe's Humor Site!Mobygames' Leisure Suit Larry series pageSierra Gamers
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